Brooklyn Laundreel
Brooklyn Laundreel is belt for drying clothes interior use. Belt length is 4m long, max 15kg load, 2way use, compact body. Instead of using driers, clothes will not shrink or damaged, and save energy. When we load hangers on belt, belt curves like Brooklyn bridge shape. That is why we named it Brooklyn Laundreel.
Brooklyn Laundreelは、室内物干し用のベルトです。ベルトの長さは4m、最大荷重15kg、2WAY使用、コンパクトなボディ。乾燥機を使わず、衣類が縮んだり傷んだりすることがなく、省エネにもなります。ベルトにハンガーをかけると、ブルックリン橋のようなカーブを描く。このことから、ブルックリンランドリーと名付けました。
Material World established in 2006 by Tom Horibe who is architect selling original design building material which is mainly using natural and recycling material. Each item is very unique design and concept one & only product. Material World had many of awards.