morning pick lotion mist ,Hokkaido
rosa rugosa
Although there are only a few of them, we have packed them with the seasonal fragrance that we, the growers, want you to feel the most.With just one spray, you can feel the “dignified and gentle fragrance” of Hamanasu all over your body. We use only the first flowers of early summer, which are the first to bloom after surviving Hokkaido’s harsh winters, for our lotion mist. We harvest the flowers at dawn, when they are said to hold the most fragrance, and extract the flowers on the same day. You can use it not only on your face, but also on your scalp, hair, and body.Early summer in Hokkaido. It is still a little chilly, and the morning dew is still on the leaves and flowers at dawn. We hope that this moment of skincare will be reborn as a special time of peace of mind. With this wish, we are beginning a special season as we head out to the farm. (Limited to 1,000 bottles for the 2022 harvest)
rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa is a skincare brand that uses the Japanese rose “Hamanasu” grown in-house in Tokachi, Hokkaido, as its main raw material, blended with natural ingredients. With the concept of “supporting a strong life,” petals picked at the company’s own farm are distilled to produce a skincare product that is both moisturizing and nourishing. We grow Hamanasu here in Urahoro-machi, Hokkaido, and make Rosa rugosa by making the most of nature’s bounty, with the hope that a moment of skincare will be reborn as a special time of relaxation.Hamanasu, a rose native to Japan, is called “Japanese Rose” in English. It contains distilled water extracted from the petals of the rosebay, which are rich in vitamin C, by steam distillation, as well as carefully selected natural ingredients. It moisturizes and balances dry skin, while penetrating into the skin’s keratinized layers.Ingredients grown in the harsh nature of Hokkaido draw out the skin’s natural strength and lead to softer skin. Enjoy the gentle fragrance of “Japanese Rose” that envelopes and heals the body and mind.This product contains no petroleum-derived preservatives, petroleum-derived surfactants, animal-derived ingredients, synthetic colorants, synthetic fragrances, mineral oils, or parabens, so it is suitable for everyone from adult women to children.
「rosa rugosa|ロサ・ルゴサ」は北海道十勝で自社栽培する日本のバラ「ハマナス」を主原料に天然由来成分にこだわり配合したスキンケアブランドです。「強く生きるを、支える」をコンセプトに、自社農園で摘みとった花びらを蒸留。「そのひとときのスキンケアが、心やすらぐ特別な時間に生まれ変わりますように」そんなことを想い描きながら、わたしたちはここ北海道浦幌町でハマナスを育て、大自然の恵みを最大限活かしたロサ・ルゴサをつくっています。日本原種のバラ「ハマナス」は英名で“Japanese Rose”と呼ばれています。ビタミンCを豊富に含むハマナスの花びらを水蒸気蒸留法で抽出した蒸留水や、厳選した天然由来成分を配合しています。乾燥しがちな肌に潤いを与え、バランスを整えながら、肌の角質層まで浸透。北海道の厳しい自然で育った原材料が肌本来の力を引き出し、柔らかな肌へと導きます。心と身体を包み込むように癒す、“Japanese Rose” の優しい香りもお楽しみください。石油由来防腐剤、石油由来界面活性化剤、動物由来原料、合成着色料、合成香料、鉱物油、パラベンなどは一切使用していないため、大人の女性からお子さままで、どなたでもお使いいただけます。
・Cultivation of eggplant, the main ingredient, without the use of pesticides or herbicides.・Hiring local senior citizens and others as harvesting staff・Formulated with a focus on 100% natural ingredients