FAVA Four Seasons ,Tohoku
Mastro Geppetto
Toys are the earliest ‘tools’ a child gets after birth. They are the objects that the baby experiences before it is able to recognise design and colour. We think that the object should be a product with a clear vision and beauty.We want wooden toys, especially babies’ first toys, to feel secure, so we designed this toy to be easy to grip like a parent’s fingers, with warm materials and gentle shapes.
Mastro Geppetto
Mastro Geppetto is the name of the woodworker who created Pinocchio, Nonno Geppetto. He named him Pinocchio, and with the love he received, Pinocchio came to life and grew up to be a healthy and honest child. The toys of the wooden toy brand Mastro Geppetto are also created one by one with a great deal of love by craftsmen in the “Land of Wood: Japan”. Only when the toys reach the hands of children and they are played with, the wood is given life, just like Pinocchio.
Mastro Geppettoとはピノキオを作った木工職人「ゼペットお爺さん」のことです。 一人暮らしのゼペットお爺さんは愛情を込めて息子代わりとなればと丸太から人形を作り、ピノキオと名付けましたピノキオはその愛情の力で生命をやどし元気で素直な子どもに育ちました。木製玩具ブランド“Mastro Geppetto”のおもちゃも「木の国 : 日本」の職人さんによって一つ一つ愛情を込めて作られています。そのおもちゃが子どもたちの手元に届いて、遊んでもらうことではじめて、ピノキオのように木に生命をやどすのです。
The era of mass production and mass consumers has come to an end, and people are now looking for “real good things” in which the materials, design and the story of the creator can be seen. Mastro Geppetto believes that the manufacturing of goods with human touch and warmth will enrich the life and culture of Japan in the future.The area of Minami Aizu County, where our company is based, is the same size as Kanagawa Prefecture, of which 92% is covered by forests. The hardwoods and softwoods that grow in the forests are not only a source of timber, but also of water and air for the region. The cycle of this life source is formed on the basis of the human cycle of [planting – care – cutting].Mastro Geppetto will actively utilise the wood of Minami Aizu from this year and contribute to the regional cycle as part of the Minami Aizu Manufacturing Story, which involves everything from first-stream logging to the production of downstream products.
大量生産・大量消費の時代も終わり、今は、素材・デザイン・作り手のストーリーが見えてくる「本当のいいもの・こと」を求めるようになって来ています。人と人を繋げる、ぬくもりのある「ものづくり」がこれからの日本の生活や文化を豊かにしていくのだとマストロ・ジェッペットは考えます。弊社が拠点としている、南会津郡の面積は神奈川県ほどの大きさがあり、そのうちの92%を森林が占めています。森林に育つ広葉樹・針葉樹は木材資源だけでなく、地域の水と空気も作っています。この生命の源の循環は人の手による [ 植林 ~ 手入れ ~ 伐採 ] のサイクルを元に形成されています。マストロ・ジェッペット社は本年度から積極的に南会津の木材を活かし、川上の伐採から川下の商品の生産までに関わる「南会津ものづくりストーリー」として地域循環に貢献していきます。