Deer Leather Slippers DIY Kit ,Tohoku


Make your own special slippers with sustainable deer leather.This is a DIY Kit that allows you to make soft and breathable quality deer leather slippers at home.Choose Your ColorThis kit comes with two colors of leather and two colors of sewing thread. You can make your own slippers by combining leather and thread.Tailoring ServiceWe have an optional slippers-tailoring service for customers who want to wear our finished product after receiving them.Easy for BeginnersThe kit comes complete with all materials and tools, no sewing machine required. You can make it while following the how-to videos and the illustrated manual’s instructions.



テヅクリマルシェ アート

TEZKURI MARCHE-ART is a brand of craft products created through the collaboration of craft studios in Fukushima Prefecture and materials with background story. As we believe that the appeal of our products lies in the stories behind the materials and the makers, and we share the appeal of Fukushima through the people and materials involved in manufacturing.TEZKURI MARCHE General Incorporated AssociationWe started our activities in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Aiming to make Fukushima a place where both local people and visitors can happily spend time, we hold events for handmade goods, as well as community development activities in cooperation with the government, as well as plan and sell original products.

TEZKURI MARCHE-ARTは福島県内のクラフト工房とストーリー性ある素材のコラボによるクラフト製品ブランドです。素材や作り手の持つストーリーこそが商品の魅力と捉え、モノづくりに関わる人や素材を通して福島の魅力を発信しています。一般社団法人 手づくりマルシェ2011年の東日本大震災をきっかけに活動を開始。住む人も訪れる人も笑顔で過ごせる福島をめざし、手づくり作品イベント、行政と連携してのまちづくり活動、オリジナル商品の企画・販売を行っています。


This product natural deer leather, which comes from deer that are being put down to prevent damage to agriculture and forestry. We want to cherish the lives of wildlife that are unavoidably captured, so we use their leather as a resource without waste. These are sustainable slippers that make you feel the connection between nature and people.



・農林業被害を防ぐため駆除された天然の鹿革を使用している。 ・やむを得ず捕獲される野生動物の革を無駄にせず資源として使うことで、その命を大切にする。・自然と人との繋がりを感じるサスティナブルなルームシューズです。