Liquid Foundation Brush(関西)


The artificial hair in this brush was created by a completely new process in order to make its powder retaining and releasing ability equal to any natural hair brush; it can release the right amount of products while removing excess material. This brush easily creates a veil-like natural gloss, without the slightest imperfection.



For over 70 years, Bisyodo has unparalleled expertise in the ancient art of traditional brush making. We use only the highest quality materials to create our beautifully handcrafted brushes. Our exclusive brush technology, developed in Japan by Ueda Bisyodo, provides an airbrushed quality and sophisticated finish not found in other brushes.

70年以上にわたり、伝統的なブラシ作りの古代の芸術において比類のない専門知識を有しています。 最高品質の素材のみを使用し、手作業で美しく仕上げたブラシをお届けします。ウエダ美粧堂が日本で開発した独自のブラシ技術は、他のブラシにはない高品質で洗練された仕上がりを実現します。