ホワイトトリュフ トーンアップウォーター(化粧水) 150ml(関西)
It contains 82.65% saponin, a skin-beautiful ingredient that is effective for aging care contained in ginseng without using purified water.In addition, CA, who works on airplanes under ultra-dry conditions of 10-20% humidity, is also able to achieve moist skin without drying with white truffles.The niacin amado, a whitening ingredient, creates a transparent skin that shines from the inside. From the moment you use it, you can feel the improvement of dullness and moisture! Every time you use it, you can feel a happy change.Continue to make your skin minus 5 years old. A slightly thick, soft texture.It is refreshing to use.It has a refreshing scent derived from plants and does not have a unique scent of ginseng.
Yonacosmetics is a skincare specialty store sold at Korean cosmetic dermatology and beauty salons. We offer a number of skincare products that transform customers who want beautiful skin and rejuvenation into adult women. There is also a makeup salon run by Makeup Artist. We sell a wide range of skincare products including yona’s unique skincare brand, cc cream, Innisfree, and MEDIHEAL. You can also take make up your hair, makeup, phone and Instagram (DM) for important events such as wedding makeup, graduation ceremony, and coming-of-age ceremony. This is only skin care shop and makeup salon in Tsuruhashi. where you can receive treatment from Korean hair and makeup artists who have a track record of appearing on TV and making up for k-pop idols.
yonacosmeticsは韓国美容皮膚科、エステサロン等で販売しているスキンケア専門店です。 美肌、若返りを求めらるお客様が大人の女性に変身するスキンケアを多数ご用意しております。 またメイクアップアティーストが手がけるメイクサロンも併設しております。 yona独自のスキンケアブランド・ccクリーム・Innisfree・MEDIHEALなど幅広いスキンケア商品を取り扱っております。 又、ウエディングメイク・卒業式・成人式など大切な行事でのヘア・メイク、電話・Instagram(DM)でのご予約で普段メイクなども可能です。 テレビ出演・k-popアイドルのメイク実績のある韓国ヘアメイクアップアーティストによる施術が受けれる鶴橋唯一のスキンケアショップ・メイクサロンです。