The blue-green laver cultivated in the sea between Toba and Isobe districts is of the type Hitoegusa. Aquaculture is especially popular in Matoya Bay. They are picked from winter to spring, and most of them are dried before being distributed. The scenery of the vivid green carpet of blue-green algae that stretches out from the cultivation nets during this period has become a seasonal sight in the Ise-Shima region. The sea lettuce grown in this area is highly evaluated for its softness and fragrance. In recent years, it has been attracting attention not only because of its delicious taste, but also because it is highly nutritious. Rich in various vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, As it contains a lot of β-carotene, a type of carotenoid, as a functional nutrient, it can be expected to have a strong antioxidant effect.
鳥羽~磯部地区の海で養殖させるアオサノリはヒトエグサ という種類です。特に的矢湾で養殖が盛んです。 冬から春にかけて摘み取り、多くは乾燥させてから流通します。 この時期の養殖網に伸びたアオサノリの鮮やかな緑色のじゅうたんが 広がる景色は伊勢志摩地方の風物詩ともなっています。 この地域のアオサノリは柔らかく、香りが高いことで評価が高く、 また、美味しさだけでなく、非常に栄養が高いことから近年、 注目を集めています。 各種ビタミンやミネラル、食物繊維などを 豊富に含み、 機能性のある栄養としてカロテノイドの一種のβ- カロテンも多く含みますので強力な抗酸化作用が期待できます。
Toba Isobe Fisheries Cooperative Association was established in October 2002 by merging 16 fishermen’s cooperatives in Toba City, Mie Prefecture and 6 fishermen’s cooperative associations in Isobe Town, Shima City. The fishing grounds of our fisheries cooperative are rich in variety, including Ise Bay, the mouth of Ise Bay, the open sea from the Enshu Sea to the Kumano Sea, and Matoya Bay. Coastal fisheries that engage in various fisheries and aquaculture fisheries such as seaweed and oysters are the main activities. It is a production area of many kinds of fish such as Spanish mackerel and whitebait raised in Ise Bay, and it is also the home of spiny lobster fishing. In addition, the rich fishing grounds created by the complex topography of the rias are also popular with female divers, such as abalone and turban shells. Since ancient times, the Toba-Shima region has been known as “Miketsukuni-shima” since many marine products were donated to the imperial family and the imperial court during the Manyo period. In addition, it is a historical production area centered on marine products, such as scattered areas that are deeply related to the rituals that are indispensable for the rituals of Ise Jingu.
鳥羽磯部漁業協同組合は、平成14年10月に三重県鳥羽市の16漁協と志摩市磯部町の6漁協が合併して発足しました。 当漁協の漁場は伊勢湾、伊勢湾口、遠州灘から熊野灘にかける外海、そして的矢湾と変化に富み、 様々な漁業を営む沿岸漁業と海藻類や牡蠣などの養殖漁業が主体となっております。 伊勢湾が育むサワラやシラスなどに代表される多くの種類の魚の産地であり、言わずと知れた伊勢エビ漁の本場でもあります。 また、リアス式の複雑な地形が生み出す豊かな漁場はアワビやサザエなどの海女漁が盛んな地域でもあります。 ここ鳥羽・志摩地域は、古代から多くの海産物を皇室・朝廷に貢進していたことから万葉の時代には「御食国志摩(みけつくにしま)」と記され、 また、伊勢神宮の祭祀に欠かせない調進にも関係の深い地域が点在するなど、海産物を中心とした歴史ある産地です。