KAGUYA Wind-Bell(九州)

Naruhito INOUE


竹を筒状に組み合わせ、そこへ熱いガラスを吹き込んで制作した『KAGUYA』シリーズの風鈴です。 鳴り子の部分に地元大分の竹を使用しており、ガラスに竹がぶつかり心地よく響く音色は、 ずっと聞いていても、飽きることがありません。 吊るし部分は、蝋引きの紐で編んでおりますので、丈夫で長持ちします。短冊は、染色作家が無農薬有機栽培で育てた藍で、藍染や土染を施した短冊です。 ガラスと竹が生み出す美しい音色や風に揺れる藍染めの短冊、夏の暑さを和らげてくれるアイテムとして『涼』を楽しみください。

KAGUYA Wind-Bell

Wind-bells are widely enjoyed throughout Japan especially during the hot and humid summer. The bells will sing the arrival of soothing breeze each time it passes by. These KAGUYA wind-bells are created by blowing hot glass into a cylindrical frame formed by joining bamboos together. All bamboos used in the process, including the clappers, are obtained locally from Oita, Kyushu. The loop at the top is made strong and firm by weaving together the strings used for candle wick and the rectangular wind catcher is dyed indigo using organic Japanese indigo, or orchre or bengala (red iron oxide) through mud dyeing. The soft sound the bamboo clapper makes each time it hits the glass and the random dance of the indigo wind catcher is nothing but delightful. I hope you will enjoy this little harmony of glass, bamboo and wind brought to you through the KAGUYA wind-bells.




1979年 横浜生まれ。二十歳の一人旅をきっかけにガラスの魅力に心奪われ、国内外でガラスアートを学ぶ。2015年に主要都市部から、雄大な自然を持つ大分県久住高原へ制作環境を移したことをきっかけに、土地ならではの素材を使い作品制作を始める。近年では、竹の表情を移し表現する「KAGUYA」シリーズより、彫刻作品や実用的な器作品を発表。また大分を拠点に、地域性のある商品プロデュースや異素材の作家とのコラボレーション活動も積極的に行う。

Born in 1979, Naruhito INOUE set foot on his path as a glass artist after a mesmerizing encounter to its beauty during his solo trip at the age of twenty. Trained in and outside Japan, he moved his urban studio in 2015 to Kuju Highland (Oita, Kyushu) and began creating pieces which exploited the vast nature that surrounded him. Recent pieces include sculptures and tableware which were extensions of his “Kaguya” series, a creation which imprints on the surface, unique expressions of bamboos used during their production process. From his studio in Oita, INOUE also actively engages in the development of products that appeals local uniqueness and in many collaborations with other artists of different genre.
