#9 Hare&Ke


“Hare” to “Ke” (ritual and mundane): This is a study in traditional Japanese folklore. It is a construct for illustrating a fundamental a traditional Japanese worldview. A hare day was a special day for public rituals that is open to all community members. Ke refers to days that are mundane, routine, and when things do not go smoothly. Hare was initially a concept indicating an important moment or milestone. Japanese people would traditionally make decisions on food, clothing and housing as well as activities and phrasing depending on whether the day was determined to be hare or ke. Even today, the Japanese use the hare concept in words such as “Haregi” which means “festive dress.” Ke, having the opposite meaning, has gradually disappeared from use since the Meiji era. Nevertheless, hare and ke remain important to an understanding of Japanese life and tradition.

We developed original shirts in two styles, the dress shirt and the T-shirt. These represent the hare and ke concepts, respectively. With this fashion, we aims to bring traditional concepts into the present day. You will enjoy how each artist from different genre uses the traditional worldview to create their own, original shirt by mixing in their technical expertise.


Fashion is the “armor” how you want yourself to be looked like. Fashion is a “thought about how you should be looked like. “Hare to ke’ is a Japanese traditional manners which people care about. But it is not all about “form” or “appearance”, it is a shape of our mind. I tried to describe those changing ‘minds of Japanese people by eras, more than just a selection of we follow the traditional idea or not. We celebrate the day of *Hare(special)” and we enjoys our days of “Ke(ordinary)”, I wanted to create something based on how we feel about “Hare to ke’. I took Shirt as “Hare’ and T-shirt as “Ke’. I tried to express my mind behind the cloths.

Created by

Yoko Furusho, Natsuko Kanno, Shimpei Suwa, Hitoshi Sagaseki 

“New approach of Arita-yaki”

My home town, Arita, is know for Arita-yaki, which is the most famous style of Japanese pottery, and it is one of my roots as a designer. I had been thinking to create something using Arita yaki since I became a graphic designer in NY. There are various Arita-yaki potteries from very expensive one to a daily dish. It means the thought of “Hare & Ke’ is in Arita yaki, too. So, it is very natural for me to set it as the concept of this project. All buttons and broaches of the dress shirt as “Hare are made of Arita-yaki. They are made by my father, who is a pottery designer in Arita. On the t-shirt as “Ke, I illustrated patterns that come down from old Arita-yaki (koimari), and I arranged them like pieces of ceramic ware.

Created by

Yoko Furusho, Natsuko Kanno, Shimpei Suwa, Hitoshi Sagaseki 

Created by

Yoko Furusho, Natsuko Kanno, Shimpei Suwa, Hitoshi Sagaseki 

Created by

Yoko Furusho, Natsuko Kanno, Hitoshi Sagaseki