#3 seasons
The theme is “Shun Ka Shun To: Seasons”. The Japanese people had traditionally appreciated the transition of four seasons through haiku (short poem). The haiku has several rules. One of them is to include one seasonal word in each haiku. The seasonal words can be anything around you, such as weather, clothing, food, housing, events, animals, or plants, which make a reference to the seasons (i.e. spring, sum- mer, fall, winter, and New Year). The seasonal words represent not only a sense of season but also the Japanese art, life style, and Japanese aesthetic value. This time, six visual arts were created based on haiku.
Spring 春) White plum The crane was pilfered Yesterday : Basho Matsuo
Summer 夏) Fuji wind Placed on the folding fan Edo souvenir :Basho Matsuo
Fall 秋) After fall Butterflies also lick Flower dew :Basho Matsuo
Winter 冬) Winter peony Well, Plover, snowy Little cuckoo :Basho Matsuo
Created By Maki Shigeno ( Design ) Thekla Heineke ( Design ) Kuniharu Abe ( Web ) Hitoshi Sagaseki ( Creative Direct )
Spring 春) Bearer of winds A feeling of spring Trembling ivy :Naoya Fujishiro
Summer 夏) The voice of a cicada Closing my eyes, I listen And think of a waterfall :Naoya Fujishiro
Fall 秋) Moonlight Reflected by leaves Superimposed on my life :Naoya Fujishiro
Winter 冬) Seeing icicles My heart leaps I calm myself down :Naoya Fujishiro
Created By Naoya Fujishiro ( Photograph ) Kuniharu Abe ( Web ) Hitoshi Sagaseki ( Creative Direct )
Spring 春) Various things Brought back to memory Sakuratetsu :Basho Matsuo
Summer 夏) Wearing a yukata With my mind at ease A summer festival : Hitoshi Sagaseki
Fall 秋) Having swept The path of fallen leaves Leading on :Teijyo Nakamura
Winter 冬) Nothing to do Just falling snow And lingering cold :Seigetsu Inoue
Created By Keisuke Makino ( Photograph ) Kuniharu Abe ( Web ) Hitoshi Sagaseki ( Creative Direct )
Spring 春) One plum blossom; the warmth of a single blossom : Ransetsu Hattori
Summer 夏) A cool breeze meanders this way : Issa Kobayashi
Fall 秋) The autumn sun and a gold-stained chrysanthemum : Masami Adachi
Winter 冬) Walking while enjoying the chilly weather : Ritsuko Hoshino
Created By Masami Adachi ( Photograph ) Kuniharu Abe ( Web ) Hitoshi Sagaseki ( Creative Direct )