All Natural Boo-Boo Stick
Provisions By Kat
Waxes, Butters and essential oils are blended into a balm perfect for simple bug bites, bruises and scrapes.
Apply generously to affected areas with handy twist tube and the all natural salve will soothe and aide in recovery of all of life’s little boo-boos.
Ingredients: Mango Butter, Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Beeswax, Vitamin E Lavender, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Melaleuca, Citronella, and Myrtle Essential Oils.
成分: マンゴバター、オリーブオイル、アボカドオイル、ビーズワックス、ビタミンE、ラベンダー、レモングラス、ローズマリー、メラルーカ、シトロネラ、マートルのエッセンシャルオイル。
- Natural Materials
- Handcraft
- Made in New York
About Brand
Our family has a pretty active and physical backgrounds and along the way have become more and more concerned about our health and physical well being. We began reading labels and taking what we put in our families bodies seriously. Some of our findings in the products we were using were disconcerting. We focused on everyday household items and what we actually use to clean or care for ourselves and our environments.