Coral Reminders #25
Sandra Giunta
“Coral Reminder #25″ – Ricordea coral
W: 7″ H: 4″ D: 6” – 5.5 lbs.
Sandra Giunta is a Brooklyn based self-taught clay sculptor. She initially focused on figurative sculpting, but while living in Belize, an interest in coral reefs and the impact of global warming led to sculpting corals. A natural progression was to combine figurative work with corals, creating two series:“Coralized” and “Coral Reminders.”
Bringing the underwater coral reef world above the surface and increasing awareness of its precarious balance, is a major goal. The possibility that these incredible natural structures could be destroyed by a 2° rise in ocean temperatures is our reality and we’re losing time for intervention.
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dra Giuntaは、ブルックリンを拠点とする独学の粘土彫刻家で、環境問題をテーマにした作品を作ります。彼女は当初比喩的な彫刻に焦点を当てていましたが、ベリーズに住んでいる間、サンゴ礁への関心と地球温暖化の影響がサンゴの彫刻につながりました。自然な進歩は、比喩的な作業をサンゴと組み合わせ、”Coralized”と”Coral Reminders”という2つのシリーズを作成することでした。
“Coral Reminder #25” – Ricordea coral