Steven Block

BLEAKER ST, 2020, Acrylic, collage and oil stick on canvas, 36 x 48 in, $2,000

WALRUS, 2020, Acrylic, collage, markers and Sharpie on canvas, 36 x 48 in, $2,000

Both pieces were painted on discarded canvases. My thought was to take this garbage and rehabilitate them into vessels for the storytelling of my life. Even the background colors started as photos from NYC walls which were heavily vandalized. I’d start with the various shapes I saw and used as the color base to begin my work.

Bleaker St was inspired by a poster outside of a closed theatre on Bleecker street in the village. The change from Bleeker to Bleaker helps connote the covid era darkness in which it was created.

Walrus was inspired by color blocks haphazardly painted over graffiti on a Manhattan construction site. The name Walrus comes from the original art on the repurposed canvas. It featured all the lyrics to the Beatle’s song I AM THE WALRUS.


『Bleaker St』は、ヴィレッジのブリーカー・ストリートにある閉鎖された劇場の外のポスターから着想を得ました。『Bleeker』を『Bleaker』に変えることで、この作品が制作されたコロナ禍の暗い時代を暗示しています。

『Walrus』は、マンハッタンの工事現場で、落書きの上から雑に塗られた色のブロックにインスパイアされました。この名前は再利用されたキャンバスの元のアートから来ています。そこにはビートルズの曲『I Am The Walrus』の歌詞がすべて描かれていました。

STEVE_BLOCK_RESUME_24 – Steven Block