Mehai Bakaty

The Virtuous Heart, 2010, Watercolor , ink , pencil, acrylic, 20 x 8”, $1,700

Hearts and blades can imply love and love lost, or the intertwining of life and death. We aspire towards the virtuous heart that can be broken by wrong deeds but made stronger over time. These are common themes in my given trade of tattooing, and I enjoy exploring these images in different media. This was also an opportunity to explore contrasting textures and details.


Sword of Protection, 2024, Watercolor , ink , pencil, acrylic, 8.5 x 11”, $1,700

To open your heart is to risk both joy and pain. The heart is surrounded by roses and thorns, implying beauty and danger when interacting with the world. The wing suggests a desire to take flight. The sword is to guard the heart from life’s struggles and heartache.

心を開くことは、喜びと痛みの両方を受け入れるリスクを伴います。心はバラと thorn(棘)に囲まれ、美しさと危険が世界との関わりにおいて存在することを暗示しています。翼は飛び立ちたいという欲望を示唆し、剣は人生の苦難や心の痛みから心を守るためのものです。
Mehai Bakaty CV – j.m. b