Keiju Hiromichi
sequence -mirage- ,2023
This work captures the moments that move the viewer’s heart by capturing what he or she sees in daily life on film and later on in life.
sequence -backlight- ,2023
Beautiful moments selected with intention, eliminating the accidental nature of photography.
Keiju Hiromichi Born in Osaka Prefecture. Graduated from Doshisha University. After working as a creative
director at an advertising agency, he became independent as a video director/videographer/photographer in 2021. We produce in a variety of genres, with a focus
on promotional projects.
廣道景寿 大阪府生まれ。同志社大学を卒業後、広告代理店のクリエイティブディレクターを経て。2021年に映像ディレクター、ビデオグラファー、フォトグラファーとして独立。プロモーション案件を中心に、様々なジャンルの制作を行う。