Next Meats / Dr. Foods


Product name: Next Meats 1.0

Next Meats 1.0 is the World’s first Japanese style plant-based alternative vegan meat which has No Artificial Additives, No Artificial Color, No Preservatives, No GMO Soy and Gluten Free. No additional flavor makes multiple cooking possibilities. It is an ambient product with 1 year shelf life to minimize the food loss.




<What makes us sustainable?>

Plant-based meat significantly reduce CO2 emissions.





Product name: Vegan Foie Gras

Dr. Foods created “Vegan Foie Gras” based on over 1000’s years of Japanese fermentation and culinary traditional called ”KOJI” (rice malt). “KOJI” is one of the fundamental ingredients of Japanese fermented foods




<What makes us sustainable?>

An alternative to foie gras which unethical production is a concern.





Product name: Vegan Caviar

Vegan Caviar from Dr. Foods is based on Japanese “Kombu” seaweed with Niseko’s natural spring water. It has the melt-in-your-mouth taste which reminiscent of a Beluga caviar.




<What makes us sustainable?>

An alternative to an endangered sturgeon.







Brand name : Next Meats / Dr. Foods

NEXT MEATS Co., Ltd. a Japanese subsidiary of NEXT MEATS Holdings, Inc. (OTC Market in the U.S.A. listed corporation as “NXHM”) and Dr. FOODS Co., Ltd. (OTCQB Market in the US listed corporation as “DRFS”) are Tokyo based food-tech venture companies that have been devoting for the research, development, and in-house production of premium Japanese-style alternative plant-based products to the world. We utilize innovative technology to develop and distribute plant-based products for a sustainable future while searching for the unique solutions to endangered resources and unethical production methods.


ネクストミーツ株式会社(NXHM)/ ドクターフーズ株引き会社(DRFS)は、日本スタイルの植物性代替食品の研究開発、自社生産に力を注いでいるフードテック・ベンチャー企業です。絶滅の危機に瀕している資源や非倫理的な生産方法に対する独自の解決策を模索しながら、持続可能な未来のために革新的な技術を活用して植物由来製品を開発・販売しています。


