
Essential oil, Hinoki rose box / Phnom Toi


Product name: Essential oil, Wood diffuser, Hinoki rose box


●Essential oil -Wooden aroma guiding you to relaxing time in Japanese forests-
We produce the following essential oil from Japanese unused forest resources:
Yoshino Hinoki(Nara), Kitayama Sugi(Kyoto), Kyoto Kuromoji(Kyoto), and these blending oil
You can find your favorite forest scents.

●Hinoki rose box  -Wooden flower decoration inspired by four seasons in the Japanese forest-
We make decoration box with“Hinoki rose” ,preserved flowers, and dry flowers. We reuse discarded the wood shavings as handwoven rose by cooperation with sawmills and craftswoman working in welfare offices.


<What makes us sustainable?>

1 Creating new values of forest resources for forest conservation
In Japan, decrease in forest workers and local sawmills, which play the role in forest management, have led to environmental degradation. We try to create new values of forest resources by producing gift items and making players working for future forest.

2 Public awareness activities of environment
We try not only spread the wooden products in the gift market, but also give opportunities customers for understanding Satoyama*, conservation forest activities throughout Website, SNS, and outdoor events.
*Japanese traditional environment landscape.

3 Partnerships with more than 10 local companies.
We make partnerships with local foresters, wood workers, sawmills, factories of essential oils, welfare offices for producing fascinating items in sustainable way.


●エッセンシャルオイル -日本の森林から香りの癒しをお届け-

●ヒノキローズBOX  -森の四季の彩りを飾って楽しむ-



1 森林・里山の新たな価値の創出

2 自然環境についての普及啓発
ECサイトやSNS, 体験イベントなどを通じて、商品の背景にある森林・里山のこと、自然の保全活動などについて、お客様に伝えていくことを大切にしています。

3 地域の事業者との協働による商品・サービス開発





Brand name : Phnom Toi


●About us
Phnom Toi *is a lifestyle brand. We try to create new values of natural resources, forestry, and wood industry by producing daily products such as natural fragrance and flower items.
* Small mountain in Khmer language.

Our mission is to conserve natural environment for next generations by increasing people who live a healthy life with blessing of nature.

●Launch story
Founder (Erika Yoshinari) worked as a natural environment expert for around 10 years and discovered the possibilities that lifestyle products which we use in daily life can be important tools for sharing nature values with many people beyond borders and generations.
Therefore, she launched Phnom Toi brand as a symbol of blessing of nature familiar to anyone and spread awareness for sustainable environmental conservation.


Phnom Toi(プノントイ)は、森林・里山資源の価値や魅力を高め、多くの人にその恵みを実感してもらえる商品を作り届けるブランドです。
Phnom Toiはクメール語で「小さな山」を意味し、人々の暮らしに森林・里山がより身近なものとなるよう願いが込められています。


ものやサービスが溢れる時代だからこそ、身近な自然資源や生産者が見える、その素晴らしさや価値に気づける商品を多くの人に届けることには意味があると思い、Phnom Toiを起業しました。

