All In One Wash / EAZY




Product name: All In One Wash


1. Sensitive zone care, a body soap, a face wash,
a hand soap are one of this.
2. Rosemary, Mandarin, fragrance of the aroma of the orange that yearned for the woman
who was apt to shake.
3. I do an A and am on the skin and adopt a cleaner derived
from the moderate coconut oil which was particular about usability with moisture.
4. Because I want you to come to like own skin so as to use it. I combine humidity retention ingredient
and conditon derived from a plant luxuriously.
5. A form type to come out by a bubble. I adjust the part
that it wants to wash at the push number of times.
6. The stylish design which changed an image of the conventional feminine care.
7. The product which I dealt with cosmetics cosmetics brand and was the specialist in cosmetics
which went until the setup of the brand, and the representative of the geek repeated trial manufacture
and built up.



1. デリケートゾーンケア、ボディソープ、洗顔料、ハンドソープがこれ1本。

2. ゆらぎがちな女性のことを想ったローズマリー、マンダリン、オレンジのアロマの香り

3. 肌に優しい、程よいしっとり使用感にこだわったヤシ油由来洗浄剤を採用

4. 使うほどに自分の肌が好きになってほしいから。植物由来の保湿成分や整肌成分を贅沢に配合

5. 泡で出てくるフォームタイプ。洗いたい部位をプッシュ回数で調整

6. 従来のフェミニンケアのイメージを変えたスタイリッシュなデザイン。

7. 化粧品コスメブランドを手がけ、ブランドの立ち上げまで行った化粧品の専門家であり、オタクの代表が試作を繰り返して作り上げたプロダクト




Brand name : EAZY


Care to console body EASY , LAZY .
It is a good-quality body care brand to be able to wash all except the hair
while being sensitive zone care prescription.
Our company pays its attention to the lifestyle of the woman
while there are many exclusive items with the conventional sensitive zone care brand
and I use it without easily overdoing it when condition does not get on work and child care,
housework, care with hormone balance even if busy and am doing it in concept sequel to.

The sensitive zone from other parts subacidity from the acidity. As it is the place
that is sensitive to a mucous membrane soon more thinly than eyelids, it is important
to take care of in an item made for sensitive zones. In addition,
the part that special oily dirts are easy to collect and must wash well. As well as the problem of the pH level,
it is important that the necessary moisture keeps clean using a thing made
for the sensitive zones that drop smegma well with having left it.

However, we use five kinds only with shampoo, a face-wash form,
a body soap, a hand soap, a sensitive zone soap and a thing to wash every day when you will use the exclusive item and must continue buying it.

Therefore our company made reduction of working hours and the effective brand
which they could take care of which snuggled up to a modern lifestyle though they were kind to the skin
which could use the most sensitive sensitive zone for a base in a body from head to foot.


⾝体をいたわるケアを、 EASY(簡単に)LAZY(気楽に)。デリケートゾーンケア処方でありながら、
髪の毛以外のすべて洗える上質なボディケアブランドです。 従来のデリケートゾーンケアブランドでは専用アイテムが多い中、


デリケートゾーンは他の部位より酸性よりの弱酸性。 まぶたより薄く粘膜にも近く敏感なところなので、






Brand owner : Sakiko Saito

She experienced it with cosmetics makers such as KOSE Corporation
and Reiko Kazuki more than product plan, marketing 15 years. In addition,
I graduate from movie and magazine, professional hair make school Dartpacs of the fashion show.
The company name FESTEEM raises a feeling of self affirmation of the woman
with beauty and health in a meaning of a feeling of self-affirmation
of the woman by a coined word of Female+ ESTEEM and is doing social status improvement in a vision.
She might develop a plan of skin care and the body care in the cosmetics industry
and became often consulted about the gynecology pro-trouble such as PMS, myoma of the uterus,
cystitis, the vagina Candida from a friend and an acquaintance until now.